CADILLAC AREA YMCA | Phone: 231-775-3369 | Directions
Anthony Slaughterhawk

Tough childhood, scraping by in southern schools. Briefly lost, addicted, homeless in Charlotte. Twenty, jobless, on a friend’s couch. Then, a lifeline: Portland. Burger King job, community college, and most importantly, Ellen. We hiked mountains, devoured books, and savored street food. Working with troubled kids, then at an MTB park, I discovered new passions. A random Facebook purchase in 2017 sparked a love for photography – cameras became my thing. “Eastbound and Down” blasting, we followed Ellen’s family to Michigan in 2018, our black cat our only passenger. Pandemic brought deeper photography exploration, beadwork, and community connections. Now, a small business owner and subcontractor, I’m building a future with Ellen and our daughter, all in our cozy Michigan cottage.


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